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Works Cited

Axtell, Harold Lucius. The Deification of Abstract Ideas in Roman Literature and Inscriptions. University of Chicago, 1907

"Bucranium." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web.

"Cook County Jail History." Cook County Sheriff's Office. Web.

Hammett, Ralph W., A.I.A. "The New Cook County Criminal Court and Jail Buildings.” The Western Architect 38.9 (1929): 156-158. Google. The Western Architect Publishing Company, 30 Oct. 2009. Web.

Loth, Calder. “Bucrania.” Institute of Classical Architecture & Art, ICAA, 13 June 2013.

Lind, L.R. Roman Religion and Ethical Thought: Abstraction and Personification, in The Classical Journal Vol. 69.2 (Dec. 1973- Jan. 1974), pp. 108-119.

Mark, Joshua J. “Roman Standard.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, 19 Feb. 2014. Web.

"Neoclassical Architecture." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web.

“Temple of Hephaestus.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation. Web.

“The Parthenon.” Parthenon, Web.

Thompson, Ernest Trice. Through the Ages: A History of the Christian Church. CLC, 1965. Print.

Welter, Katy. "A Remote Courthouse Leaves Many Chicagoans Far From Justice." Next City. 6 Feb. 2013. Web.

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