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The original Stevens Hotel consisted of 9 courtyards which are symbolic of courtyards dating back to the ancient Roman times. The Romans utilized courtyards for cooking, working, gardening, sleeping, storing animals and food supplies, playing, and outdoor meetings. At the Stevens Hotel, they included courtyards in their design as a place for public gatherings and as a way for children to play and adults to socialize. 


Image result for ancient roman courtyards

Image of ancient Roman country house courtyard (“Image of an Ancient Roman Courtyard.” Ricostruzione Del Giardino Della Casa Dei Vetii Di Pompei, Wikipedia, 7 Aug. 2007, Ricostruzione_del_giardino_della_casa_dei_vetii_di_pompei_(mostra_al_giardino_di_boboli,_2007)_01.JPG.)


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