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Another classical Roman architecture style is the atrium. An atrium is a large open area typically found within ancient Roman homes, serving to bring in natural light and air, while impressing visitors as the open ceiling and beautifully adorned tiles below would draw visitors’ attention. At the Hilton Hotel, the Grand Stair Hall has a painted mural of the sky titled "Windows to the Sky," and while the hotel does not actually have an opening, the skylight painting serves a similar purpose to impress visitors and offer some natural lighting and color to the room.



Image of the Windows to the Sky painting in the Grand Stair Hall (photo by Alec Abramson)


Image of an Ancient Roman atrium within a house (“Image of Ancient Roman House and Atrium.” Pompeiana - the Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii (1817) , 3 Aug. 2016,,_edifices,_and_ornaments_of_Pompeii_(1817)_(14802140383).jpg).


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