USE CASES - Timed Quiz with Accommodated Timings
Use Case Name: Timed Quiz with Accommodations
Situation: You have 2 students who need accommodations.
- Student 1 requires an extra attempt
- Student 2 Requires time and a half for a timed quiz.
Student 1 was unable to complete the quiz because of a technological issue. They will need another attempt which will be due the next day.
Student 2 has arrangements through the accessibility office. They require extra time for all timed quizzes.
Solution A
For Student 1, Moderate the quiz to give them an extra attempt.
When you give an extra attempt, be sure to Manually unlock the quiz also. If you have a date in the Until field which has already passed, the quiz will still be unavailable to the student. You can click the +Add button under "Assign to" and add a different Until field for just that student if needed.
Don't forget to Click Save to keep your changes.
Solution B
The procedure is similar for the student who needs extra time. In this case, you will add the amount of time needed in the Extra time on every attempt area. For example, if you have a student who needs time and half for quizzes, and you give an hour for the exam, you will enter 30 in the Extra time on every attempt field.
Don't forget to Click Save to keep your changes.