2023WI_COMP_SCI_351-2_SEC1 Intermediate Computer Graphics
Step-by-step, week-by-week, you will build on your WebGL knowledge from CS351-1 to construct two large projects:
A) Particle Systems (45pts):
write a physically accurate interactive simulator of ‘soft’ items (fireworks, flames, ropes, cloth, rubbery solids, fluids and more) from constrained numerical integration methods in state-space.
B) Ray Tracer (45pts):
write a recursive ray-tracer in an extendable schema that includes an interactive WebGL previewer for 3D scene setup. Includes lighting, antialiasing, shadows, reflection and transparency, implicit surfaces, procedural textures and materials.
Plus some impromptu Activities (10pts) A varied collection of tasks begun in class, one-question pop-quizzes on assigned readings, project check-points and more; submitted on CANVAS, to ensure you don’t get too far behind.