2022WI_COMP_SCI_351-2_SEC1 Intermediate Computer Graphics
Step-by-step, week-by-week, you will build on your WebGL knowledge from CS351-1 to construct two large projects:
A) Particle Systems (45pts):
write a physically accurate interactive simulator of ‘soft’ items (fireworks, flames, ropes, cloth, rubbery solids, fluids and more) from constrained numerical integration methods in state-space.
B) Ray Tracer (45pts):
write a recursive ray-tracer in an extendable schema that includes an interactive WebGL previewer for 3D scene setup. Includes lighting, antialiasing, shadows, reflection and transparency, implicit surfaces, procedural textures and materials.
PLUS a variety of small, graded 'Activities' (10pts), aollection of tasks begun in class, one-question pop-quizzes on assigned readings, project check-points and more; submitted on CANVAS, to ensure you don’t get too far behind on your projects or your assigned reading.